I Lift Up Your name O God
FATHER, in heaven, in JESUS’ name I LIFT UP your praise worthy and altogether wonderful, redeeming name. With all my heart I exalt your name Jehovah El Elyon; I praise you El Shaddai.

I Lift Up Your name for strength, Hallelujah! I lift up your name for good health – over every type of sickness and for the pulling down of strongholds and principalities. I lift up and exalt your excellent name for my family and my friends. To You by whom all things are made, sustained and maintained; to You through whom the earth is kept in balance, the giver of life and peace; I open my mouth and offer up a sacrifice of praise unto Your Holy matchless name. FATHER, I LIFT UP YOUR NAME that all men will be drawn unto You. I lift up Your name for victory in every kind of adversity, temptation and thought. For the work of Your ministering servants, I praise and lift up the life-giving, life-transforming name of Jesus Christ my Lord. Hallelujah! Father in heaven, Your name is great and greatly to be praised; glory, honour, dominion and power belong to Your eternal, everlasting name. Amen and Hallelujah and Amen.