Dear Father in heaven, we honour Your precious holy name.

Father, You are the God of all. You see everything and know everything. You see the end of all thoughts and actions before they are conceived. Before we think or act, You see our thoughts and actions’ very direct impacts and outcomes. Father, we pray that You would help us all to consider the needs of the people around us. To think about their lives and needs, to step out in faith to be a help and support, in the name of Jesus.

We pray for Your comfort for all the families, relatives, friends and communities affected by the stabbings in Nottingham, and all those families across the world who are grieving and missing loved ones because of violent acts. Father, as the world spins unconsciously in the darkness, all families need to experience a demonstration of the love of God and the pure delight of Your holy Word.

Father, send healing to their hearts and peace to their minds and grant them uninterrupted sleep. Inspire them to seek after You, to find You, to know You and serve You in spirit and in truth. And use us, O God, to pray and serve in love, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.