Great and Mighty King of Kings, author and creator of my destiny and my way. We sing, we cry, and shout Abba Father, we praise, Hallelujah and lift up the power of Your name, for Your goodness and Your mercy to the children of men. Father, in Jesus’ name it is with thanks giving we bow our heads to You in love and worshipful adoration, we glory in Your presence and prosper in Your blessings. Thank You for healing, protection, and victory, for breaking of chains, and for making a way. God, You are a way maker, thank You for how You made us, “fearfully and wonderfully made”. 

You placed Your Spirit in us to lead and teach us. You gave us Jesus to save us. He snatched us from death to life. Praises be unto Your Holy precious name, Glory! Father, my prayer to you this day is that we would all stand, worship and praise Your holy name. In Jesus’ name. Amen.