Greetings Saints of God in Christ Jesus, glory to the Father, to the Son and to the Holy Ghost. Amen.

We give thanks to Yahweh our God and Father, who has kept us all through many toils and attacks. There have been times when we might have fainted had it not been for the Lord’s outstretched hand of rescue. If God had not delivered us by His righteous right hand we would be lost. “But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ” (1Cor 15:57 KJVLite). Father, we praise and worship You because You are the only true and living God. We give You thanks for Your faithfulness, You forgive our trespasses and protect us from our common enemy. We thank You for everything that You do on our behalf, all those unseen battles that You fight, while we sleep. We give honour to Your holy name and thank You for hearing and answering our prayers.

Through Jesus Christ our Lord, I declare victory for all who are in this Christian war. Through Christ Jesus we have overcome and shall remain victorious because of His sacrifice on the cross. This is the Christ who promised never to leave us comfortless nor forsake us. All glory to His precious name. Amen.