By the power and authority of Jesus’ name, come let us spoil the plans of the enemy that are set against us. In Jesus’ name, let us pull down, root up and break that which is built up to steal, destroy and kill, let us plea the blood of Jesus against the enemy as he hates the blood of the Lamb by which he is overcome, (Rev 12:11). Come let us bind and send back the spirits of disruption, gossip, brokenness, hatred, division and all types of malady back to the pit of hell, these are not our portion nor our inheritance.

Our portion and inheritance is God’s protection and favour because we love Him. There is no other means of protection in this warfare, besides the weapons of our warfare which are mighty through GOD, (2 Cor 10:4), not any other source, neither human or otherwise.

Therefore, I declare, in the name of Jesus, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, (Phil 4:13). Come now Christian soldiers, elected of God, the called out ones; let us break the bands of the wicked. Come let us stand having done all to stand with the weapon of our warfare drawn, fully clothed in battle armour, Eph 6:13-14 in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.