Praise And Thanksgiving
Glorious God, creator of heaven, director of the universe, the oceans, winds and rains, by Your Holy Spirit give us direction concerning Your Will. Help us, my God, to pull down every spiritual wickedness and every evil plan, scheme, and enterprise of the enemy to steal, kill and destroy. You alone deserve the glory for the victory – You alone are worthy, worthy of honour, glory, and praise; we praise You in the valley, we praise You for who You are, we praise on the mountain top for every healing, every smile, for every breakthrough, for every yes and every no we give You thanks.
Thank You Lord, for every provision, for strength in times of weakness, for joy unspeakable in Your presence, in the name of Jesus. We thank You for empowering Your ministers, keep them under the shadow of Your wings, protect them and continue to lead, direct, refresh and overshadow, open doors of utterance, doors of opportunities; give peace, give wisdom, give understanding hearts to lead the multitude of Your people; give love and peace as only You can. Father, in heaven, send Your Holy Ghost power to help us in our worship, in Jesus’ name. Thank You Lord, for all of us, keep us safe we pray, in Jesus’ name. Amen.