Lead Me Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit lead me, guide me, protect me. Lord, I am unable to accomplish Your works without Your Holy Spirit help. Lead me, Lord, to accomplish the works of Your hands in the earth, the works of Your voice in the earth, the works of Your love in the earth, that I might inherit eternal life through Chirst Jesus. Your Word tells me that without charity – love, I am a sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal, without love nothing I do is worth anything.
Holy Spirit, lead me to love, to heal, to forgive while I have breath, before my days end. As You have forgiven me, help me to forgive others that hurt me, to forgive and love them, through Christ Jesus. Fill my heart Holy Spirit and quicken me, make me alive to Your presence, to await Your instructions and guidance, to wait on You and trust You, to know when I am wrong and quickly repent of my sin. Father God, as You breathed the breath of life into Adam, breathe Your Holy Spirit and fill me that I might live for You. In Jesus’ name. Thank You, Lord. Amen.