Greetings saints in Christ, may the blessings of the Lord cause your cup to overflow.

Through Scripture we learn that God blesses those who are righteous. He strengthens them. He protects them. He favours them. He favoured Abraham by making his name great. He made his seed a blessing to the nations. He favoured David by making him king and brought the Messiah through his lineage. God’s eyes are on the righteous. This promise to bless the righteous should encourage us to be holy in the midst of suffering evil from others. Isaiah 58:12 says, it is those who come from the righteous who would build, establish, restore, and raise up the foundation of generations – only the righteous can achieve this work with God’s help.

Father God, I pray that as we press on with the building of the Kingdom of God, in this life we will always be the righteousness of God, living righteously and godly in this present time, boldly standing firm, and giving thanks for Your loving kindness and favour. In Jesus’ precious name. Amen.