During wartime, enemy fire must be neutralised in order to preserve life. When an enemy missile is fired at a target counter measures are necessary to prevent destruction. I believe the same is true when it comes to maintaining a personal relationship with the Lord. Sin represents the missile of the enemy and must be averted and avoided at all cost and just as enemy fire must be neutralised, rendered ineffective,  sin must be defeated. David says in Psa 119:11 “thy word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against thee. The Word of God is the counter measure against sin. The Word of God has power to cleanse, to make righteous, sanctify, set apart (Joh 17:17), it is a lamp to my feet, a light to be shone in a dark place such as this broken world, (Psa 119:105).

If a soldier in the armed forces abandons his or her post, it is considered a dereliction of duty and it brings about serious consequences for the individual. This is similar for believers in the Kingdom who abandon the Word of God for corrupt conversation. There are certain consequences. Therefore, I pray in Jesus’ name, Father, stablish thy word unto thy servant who is devoted to thy fear. I pray that my ways be directed by Your Statutes, (Psa 119.05).

Father, Your Word, the Word of God is the only reliable source of truth there is, it is a magnified vword, (Psa 138:2). There is no weapon to stop enemy assaults except the Word of God. Father, help us to understand that Your Word must be preached and lived in the church so that evil attacks will be neutralised. In Jesus’ name. Amen.