Father, I come to You in the name of Jesus Christ, with the name that is above every name in my heart and on my lips. I speak words of healing and restoration over Your people and over Your church, I pray that our Prince of Peace the ruler of the world would hold His people in the palm of His hand and satisfy them with His peace in a world that is peaceless, for health and strength, over every brokenness, for every sickness, for every need, for all the children, mothers and fathers, wives and husbands, over every wickedness, burden and bondage, against every curse, against lack, for salvation, in our homes, schools, universities,  hospitals, in parks and play areas,  I speak the name of Jesus the Prince of peace, the bread of heaven, the living water, the way maker, the King of Kings by the power of the Holy Spirit over every deficit by the power of God and release increase and prosperity. Amen.