Father God in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.

Father, we pray not only for ourselves, but for all souls, and particularly those in Government. We pray for all leaders, that you might grant them long life, secure government, wise decisions, a prosperous family, faithful, energetic and obedient people; that the whole world may be in peace; and that you might grant to every Christian believer, the reality of their hearts desires.

We pray for kings and rulers, that with their royal authority they might be found possessing a wise and prudent mind. We pray in Jesus’ name for those by whom we are persecuted. Father, we pray for the safety of all in leadership. If the community, town or country is not in safety, the individual cannot be secure. We pray therefore in Jesus’ name for preservation, and for praying people to pray for the government under which they live, for inner and public peace in Jesus Christ. Hallelujah!

Father, Governments have power to do much good, so Lord, we pray in Jesus’ name that their authority to govern might be directed by the power of Your Holy Spirit. Bad rulers have power to do much evil; so we pray Father in heaven, that they might be prevented from using their power for evil. Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, we pray for all rulers, good and bad, as praying for them in Jesus’ name is the positive duty of all believers. The answer to our prayers, in either case, will be the means by which we are enabled to lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty, in Jesus’ holy name. We give You thanks Lord. Amen.