How do we stand today? We must be careful that we don’t preach to others and come up short ourselves (1 Cor 9:26). Why waste time pointing out the mote in someone else’s eye and fail to see and correct the great beams in our own (Matt 7:3-5).

The Apostle Paul encourages us thus:

“I then, the prisoner in the Lord, make this request from my heart, that you will see that your behaviour is a credit to the position which God’s purpose has given you, With all gentle and quiet behaviour, taking whatever comes, putting up with one another in love; Taking care to keep the harmony of the Spirit in the yoke of peace” (Eph 4:1-3 BBE).

Father God, I pray in faith, knowing that our faith brings patience, help us all in our efforts to be of the same mind, to have the mind of Christ Jesus. As we examine ourselves, I pray, we then ensure that our behaviour is godly treating each other in love through faith in Christ Jesus. Father, I pray that we will be a credit to our positions as servants of the Lord in Your church. I give You thanks, in Jesus’ holy name. Amen.