My heavenly Father God, King of all ages of heaven and of the earth, thou art not a God who takes pleasure in the destruction of His people, a people whom You have called by the power of Your great name. Knowing this I come to You humbly not in pride, in obedience, not disobedience but to seek forgiveness, not to judge but that You would have compassion on us all. 

We have not done all in the name of Jesus as You have commanded and this causes us to be in deficit, in want, and destitute without You. Father, if You are our Shepherd and You are, we should have no want for, there is no want to them that fear You (Psa 34:9). But we have sinned and fallen short of Your glory and many unrighteous things have crept into Your church. God of heaven, in Jesus’ name, pour out Your Spirit of repentance into us so that we will repent and live, and not die. Father, cause us to be determined and resolute with an unmovable resolve to serve and stand before You on Your imminent return. 

Lord, You take no pleasure in our destruction, therefore save us, in Jesus’ name. Use us to praise You – inhabit our praises (Psa 22:3). Father, many of us are weak and infirm, some not able to come to the cross or even call on Your name. God in heaven, Father, of mercy, have mercy on us all. And as You are the God that heals, heal us in Jesus’ name. Amen.