Father, I come to You in the power of Your name and I acknowledge that You are God, and that there is none else. I come in Jesus’ name to praise You and to lift up Your name because Your Word tells me that if You are lifted up You will draw all men unto You, Hallelujah! Father, I make request not just for myself but for all Your people for we are Your people. We need Your presence in this time in our lives to lead us in a plain path. Father, touch us all at the point of our needs, touch our hurt and brokenness, touch our bodies, and make us pleasing in Your sight. Touch our lack, renew us spiritually, lead us into the place of our blessings and keep us there. Make us ready for all of life’s trials, teach us to serve You and worship You in Spirit and in truth, by Your Spirit. Hallelujah!

Cause us to realise that You are, God, the source of all our needs, and that You are the supplier of all. Cleanse us from all ill and from all unrighteousness, pour out of Your Spirit, Father, into all flesh, empower us, and keep us under the shadow of Your wings. By Your grace and loving kindness forgive our trespasses so that we may stand before You on  Judgement Day, in Jesus’ name. Father, thank You. Amen.