Father, I thank You, that you have been good to me, that You are God and that there is none like You. Hallelujah! Thank You, for redeeming me from the law, letter of death, for the letter kills. Thank You, for Your Holy Spirit, for the Holy Spirit giveth life, thank You, for delivering me out of darkness and into the light, nailing my transgressions to the cross. Father, thank You, that I am justified and engrafted into the family of heaven, into the kingdom of Your dear Son. Father, thank You, that I am blood washed, sanctified, water baptised, Holy Ghost filled, and that the change in me is manifesting itself outwardly through Jesus Christ.

Thank You for boldness that I may approach Your throne for help in times of trouble. Thank You for truth and Godliness and not just a form of it that I may live Godly in this present time. Thank You for Your rod and staff, for being a shelter for me that I can run into and be safe and saved. Father, thank You for the everlasting love that You have bestowed on me that I might declare, what manner of love is this that we might be called sons of God! Father, I thank you for everything in Jesus’ name. Amen.