Ephesians 6:10-20
Paul exhorted believers to be strong in the Lord and in the mighty power that overcomes resistance, the mighty power of God’s inherent strength (Eph 1:19). Hence, believers can be strengthened to fight the good fight by the person of our Lord Jesus Christ and also by His resources (Php 4:13 ). Put on indicates that believers are responsible for putting on God’s full armour also in Eph 6:13. The armour that I have put on cannot protect you. Why? That we will be able to stand against the devil’s strategy of attack, you and I do not have to fight just stand, the attack is coming from all quarters (Eph 6:11-13).

The purpose of putting on God’s armour is to be able to stand against the schemes or methods of the devil or adversary. Do not give way to the adversary (Eph 4:27). Christians are not to attack Satan, or advance against him, they are only to stand or hold the territory which Christ and His body, the church, have conquered. Without God’s armour believers will be defeated by the “schemes” plans of the devil which have been effective for thousands of years.

The fight is not physically against flesh and blood. It is spiritual conflict against a spiritual enemy. Though the ranks of satanic forces cannot be fully categorized, the first two (rulers and authorities) have already been mentioned in Eph 1:21 and Eph 3:10. Paul added the powers of this dark world in Eph 2:2; Eph 4:18 Eph 5:8) and the spiritual forces of evil. Nevertheless, we can rejoice and say (1 Cor 15:57) “But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Amen and Amen.