The Israelites were oppressed, had gone into captivity, and were struggling under servitude. They were in dire straits. These great people chosen by God to be the apple of His eye, were now suffering under the rule of their enemies. Miserable and desolate, and in need of food. 

How did this come about? Simply put, they had grievously sinned against God and His wrath was poured out over them. They were suffering because of their grievous sin. Grievous is described as similar to: deplorable, shocking, gross, atrocious, dire…. This, in many ways describes the level to which God’s chosen people had sunk. 

Let us consider the sinful state of the world today. We might find that people have generally wondered far from God. Societies whose moral compass was informed by Biblical principles and guided by Holy Bible Scripture, are now in spiritual decline. Their condition might be described as dire. People are spiritually naked, without covering. And many refuse to accept the covering of God. Praise God! that, Adam and Eve recognised that they were naked and accepted God’s covering.

Now, there is however in this present world, a clear distinction. We, the servants of God, are living under His Grace. The Grace of God covers us. Let’s not take this lightly. We are only here for a moment, and all those moments are protected because we have chosen to serve Jehovah, the Lord God of all creation. God’s Grace is a gift to us, it covers our nakedness, it picks us up, and we are not swallowed up by our enemies round about. Just consider the number of occasions that God’s Grace has been extended to our individual circumstances. Give thanks, servants of God. Give thanks unto, Jehovah God, for His Amazing Grace! Hallelujah! Amen.