How many of us realise that when we are busy doing whatever it is that we are doing, God is watching. He is the God who sees all and knows all. Our home security cameras can capture images most of the time. However, when a thief approaches a property security cameras record them. But, if the thief is wearing a hood and a mask covering their face, the camera cannot record their face. God, on the other hand sees every minute detail. Think on this. There is no hiding from God’s eyes. Joseph was very much aware of this. In Genesis 39:8-9 when Potiphar’s wife asked him to sleep with her, he refused and gave his response in verse 9. He said, “…how can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God?” I pray to God that everyone of God’s people ask ourselves this question and avoid sin against God.

God is watching our every move to guide and protect us. He sees when we commit sin, so we must by the Spirit of God, refuse as Joseph did. And, as God’s people we must resist the temptation to sin against Him. We sin when we fight against each other in the body of Christ and therefore fall out of relationship with God. 

Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, like you kept Abimalech from sinning against You, deliver us from evil, and from commiting sin against You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.