Holy God of heaven, glory, honour, dominion and power belong to You. There is nothing that was made that You didn’t make. You are the always here, always near, ever listening God. You are the God who sees all things and knows all things. Where can I go that You are not there? If I go to the farthest part of the earth You are there. You, are my God, and I am Your child. 

My worship belongs to You, O Great Jehovah. Let me not stray from You, my God. Draw me close to You, let my ears be always open to Your instruction and my heart ready to follow Your guidance. Cause me to seek after You and find You in the morning when I awake. Revive me as I give thanks and pray to You in the secret of my closet. Let Your ears be open to my prayers and answer me according to Your promise. Hallelujah! Never leave me, O God, surround me with Your Holy presence all the day long. Father, anoint me with Your Holy Spirit and fire. Fill me with confidence and boldness to speak Your Word, as You have given it, and to keep Your commandments. In Jesus’ name. Amen.