Our Father, who art in heaven, glory to Your name that brings miracles to the earth. Father, I come into Your presence for the glory of Your name and to make my request on behalf of Your servants. Let our prayers come up to You our God, in Jesus’ name. 

Father, Lord above all creation, there’s a deceiving spirit of suffocation moving through the atmosphere. It intends to harm and immobilise Your servants, preventing our voices from being heard, causing us to feel as though we can’t breathe. And, if we think that we are unable to breathe, how do we pray? How can we preach, and teach and share the gospel of Jesus Christ? Lord God, I pray that as we abide in You, we will not be deceived but will bring forth much fruit, for without You we can do nothing (Joh 15:5). So, we stand on Your Word, “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind” (2Tim 1:7 KJVLite). Father God, I pray for Holy Spirit protection and deliverance from this invasive spiritul attack on Your servants. In Jesus’ name. Amen.