“And his disciples asked him, saying, Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind? Jesus answered neither this man nor his parents had sinned, but that the works of God maybe manifest in him” (Joh 9:2-3).

Many of God’s children were not born blind but have progressively gone blind over time. These individuals point at other peoples’ faults but are blind to their own faults. The disciples were the church and christ had to say them “neither this man nor his parents had not sinned”. The disciples were blind to the fact that they were judging, and blind to the fact that they were to do the works of the ministry according to their calling. They were blind to the fact that they were the ones called by God and given power and authority to work in the His Kingdom (Mat 10:1). Coming forward to present day, we must ask ourselves, Have we become blind over time? And, Are we, in our blinded state, judging our sisters and brothers. The man that was born blind had not sinned but those of us with sight are the ones who transgress despite knowing the law of God (Joh 9:39-41).