Father God, creator, giver of life, we honour You. We give You our hearts and minds, our souls, and worship You.

Father, as Solomon prayed for the people of Israel, we pray for the world. We humbly ask You to hear the prayer of Your servants as we cry for the world. Father, You know all that there is to know, You see all that we cannot see. You are the beginning and the end. You know where people’s needs are not recognised, ignored and unmet. You know how many children go to sleep hungry at night, You see them hurting and suffering the ravages of war in bombed out broken places. You see mothers’ tears and hear the faintest of sobs in the night that touch Your Father heart. Hear our prayer, O God, and attend to our supplication. Turn Your face towards us across this great expanse that You have created. O God, our Father, raise up the poor, the hurting, and dying from the dirt and turn their hearts and thoughts towards You. Be their healer, provider and Saviour, in the name of Jesus Christ. Save, heal and deliver, O God, in Jesus’ name. Amen.