My encouragement for you today is drawn from Psalm 143 where David was faced with a difficult situation in his life. Saul pursued David to kill him but David didn’t give up, he turned to his God in prayer for help.

You may not have an enemy pursuing you right now, but you may be wandering in the wilderness of a troubled economy, not knowing which way to turn or what decision to make. One decision leads to success the other leads to great hardship. Like David you too can pray, “Lord teach me to do thy will for thou art my God” (v10). Hallelujah! Even more vital than making good financial decisions you need to know how to live by godly principles. If the Lord is your God, the centre of your life, you would seek his will and He’ll show you His way. Praise God!

David asked the Lord to show him the way he should walk, as he lifted up his soul. After making sure your spiritual life is on the right foundation you can confidently ask God to lead you in practical matters. Deliver me from my enemies, in You I take shelter. Because you have made the Lord your dwelling place, no evil shall befall you (Psa 91). The Word of God says, “commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass” (Psa 37:5). Amen and Amen.