Father in heaven, great, gracious, merciful and forgiving, God. Creator of all mankind, the King of the Kingdom of heaven and earth, all glory, praise and honour we give to You, in Jesus’ name. Knowing of Your greatness, I come to you in faith knowing that with You all things are possible. My request is that in Your mercies You take us by the hand, pour out the Spirit of repentance and salvation, pour into us the Spirit to receive them, lead us out of the error of sin and fully open our eyes. Father, lead us out of current situations, give us a desire to gain knowledge of You, to seek Your face and Your hand with our whole hearts, to find You and pray to You, in Jesus’ name. Father, I pray for all Your people that we will ask for Your pure heavenly wisdom. Grant us the spirit of discernment that enables us to make sound judgement to prove those things which are pleasing to You. To lead not only ourselves but our families, strangers, cities and the world into Your presence, and into a life of blessings and peace, in Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.