Peace in the body, the church.
Peace is much needed but it cannot be sought and maintained at the expense of the truth. Surely nothing could be more deplorable in the sight of God than His people united in a course of error and sin! God is the God of peace His peace is unfathomable and is the peace that we should seek. The unity for which Jesus prayed and Paul pleaded is the peace that binds us together and must be sought and maintained upon the basis of God’s revealed will, the teaching of the Holy Spirit untouched and untarnished by the ways and the wisdom of men.

James, declared “the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable” (Jam 3:17). Genuine love for God is reflected in one joyful compliance with all of the commandments of God (1 Joh 5:3). He will neither add to it nor diminish it (Deu 4:2). He will respect both its expressions and its silences, simply abiding in “the teaching of Christ” (2 Joh 1:9), and refusing to go “beyond the things which are written. (1 Cor 4:6). 

The written Word of the Lord is sure and therefore the peace and unity of God is no less sure. May that peace and unity keep you, and heal you. I pray the everlasting peace of God will overshadow you, guide you, and perfect you. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.