I know a man whose name is present help, He is not absent, He is with us, He is a gift from God, who will never leave, nor forsake us, anyone who recieves him, receives His Father and the Holy Spirit, His name is Jesus. So rejoice, Stand and see the salvation of the Lord. All you need to do is stand and wherever you stand, in your workplace, in your home, in church, in trouble, anywhere on the battlefield, even if a host encamps around you.

I pray in Jesus’ name, may the Lord be present with you fill your heart with courage and stand with you there to fight your battles for you. Continue to serve and Love the Lord. He will stop every weapon formed from prospering against you because you love Him. He will turn every evil around for good on your behalf because you love Him. And again I say to you rejoice in Jesus’ name, rejoice in temptation, for the joy of the Lord is your strength. 

I pray by the authority of the Holy Spirit and in the name of Jesus Christ for your mind to be stayed on the Lord so that limitless, perfect peace will be yours and His strength your strength. May the grace of God be abundant in you for every test and every trial. I pray every attack that comes against you will bring spiritual supernatural blessings and as the enemy tries to pull you down the God of heaven will lift you up in the mighty delivering name of Jesus Christ. Father, thank You for who You are, and for what You are able to do in the lives of Your people. In Jesus’ name. Amen.