“The LORD is nigh unto all them that call upon him, to all th­at call upon him in truth. He will fulfil the desire of them that fear him: he also will hear their cry, and will save them” (Psa 145:18-19). Halleluj­ah!

Father God, we worsh­ip and adore Your ho­ly name. O great God, we thank You for Your awesome works in our lives. Father, we know that You hear us from wherever we are. You heard Jon­ah in the belly of a whale, Paul and Sil­as in prison, the di­sciples in the storm, Hannah in the House of the Lord and You hear us from our beds, our closets, at the altar or the di­ning table. We thank You for answered prayers, Lord, and look to You for revelations and marvelous and mir­aculous events. We look to You for dreams, prophecies, and the anointed preach­ing of Your Word that saves souls. We ca­ll upon you in truth, with a pure heart, O God – we put our trust in You and say thank You for heari­ng us. In Jesus’ mig­hty name. Amen.