“For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus” Glory to God, Hallelujah! (1 Tim 2:5).
Jesus, it is in Your name that I am healed restored and established. Through You Lord, I have peace with my Father in heaven. You are my propitiation, payment and ransom for sin. Lord Jesus, You sit beside the Father interceding on my behalf. Lord, You are my intercessor, my go between my mediator. I make my request to the Father, through Your mighty, authoritative, demon stopping, holy, burden breaking name. Lord Jesus,  as You sit beside the Father make mention of me, touch His hand that a blessing would flow even from His footstool in my favour. Lord, You said ask anything in your name, I come to You alone by faith my daysman, my Lord, for Your faithful servants, and for and on behalf of people who don’t have a personal relationship with You, and ask for Salvation, mercy and an abundance of Your love to be poured out over Your people. Lord Jesus, I plead for mercy in the churches, mercy in our homes, mercy in the communities. Lord Jesus, as You sit beside the Father say a prayer for us all, as You did in St John 17 that we all might be kept in this time in Your name, Lord Jesus, every one of us, Lord. I say thank you, in Jesus’ name. Amen.