Loving and compassionate Father, great is Your name and Your hand to save, defend and uphold. Great is Your grace. Your name is from everlasting to everlasting, and greatly to be praised. At Your name demons flee and tremble, knees bow and tongues confess. Your name is blessed, Glorious, Eternal, Excellent, and Holy.
Jesus, Jesus, our Lord Jesus has a name that You have given Him Father which is above every name. We are baptized in His name, Jesus, we are saved in that same name, we have life in Jesus’ name, we pray in the name of Jesus, His name is wonderful, counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The prince of peace. I come to You, Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, and I acknowledge and believe that life is in His name. I plead His cleansing blood and His authoritative name, Jesus, over all Your people and against the wiles of the enemies, in the blessed  name of Jesus Christ. Amen.