I pray this morning in the power of Jesus’ name that every child of God would have done all to be able to stand in times of trouble, for these are indeed troubled times. Father, cause us to focus on You the God of our salvation who fails not, our way-maker, the God in whom we put our trust and whom we serve for with You all things are possible. I pray for strength to increase and a voice to call upon the name of the Lord because You invite us to call, and Your Word assures us that You will answer. 

I call in Jesus’ name, on behalf of all the families of the earth for comfort, healing and restoration. Father, bind up those who have suffered the loss of loved ones, those who are sick all who are seriously ill, those facing financial crisis, those who have lost their jobs, those who are brokenhearted, disappointed, thinking of taking their own lives. Father, protect Your people from self harm as all these are the works of the prince of darkness, principalities, powers and wickedness employed by the enemy to pull down and destroy Your people. I pray, for Your outstretched hand of love and mercy to intervene, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Brethren and Friends, I encourage you put on the whole armour of God that you may be able to resist the enemy that he will flee. And I declare that you will stand victoriously over all enemy attacks. In Jesus’ name. Amen.