Hallelujah to the name of the Lord, Everlasting, the one who is the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and End, the First and Last. 

Father God, this morning I honour You as my God Jehovah, You are the God who never slumbers nor sleeps. You are my God, the one who never lets go of me. Because of Your love, I am living in, and upheld by Your grace, and followed by Your goodness and mercy. Hallelujah! 

Father God, thank You for lifting me out from the darkness this morning, and for keeping me in the light of Your love in Christ Jesus. You are the one whose love protects me and nothing can separate me from your love. I thank you Most holy God for Your steadfastness, for Your unchanging nature, for guarding me and guiding me, for hearing my prayers, for answering me, and granting me favour. Thank You Father God, I worship and honour You, in Jesus’ name. Amen.