Greetings saints of God, in the name of Jesus.

Today I want to encourage us to remember where our help comes from. The Psalmist says in Psalm 121:1-2 that help comes from the Lord, maker of heaven and earth. This realisation must hold our gaze, and focus our attention. In John 16:13 we read that Jesus had to go so that the helper, the comforter would come to help us in our sorrows. The Holy Spirit would come to lead us into the truth of God. We cannot do Kingdom work unaided and thus the Holy Spirit comes to help with the work.

The third person of the triune God is a present help in times of trouble, firstly to indwell us, to empower us, and to reveal the deep things of God to us. The Spirit of God comes to guide us into all truth and lead us in the way of Christ. He is our refuge and strength. In John chapter 6 he speaks of the Spirit of God, he says the Spirit quickens, revives, and resurrects. Then he speaks of the Word of God, describing it as spirit and life, (John 6:63). If the church is to have any life in Christ Jesus, it must be of the Holy Spirit. Every child of God must allow themselves to be led by the Holy Spirit of God.

The kingdom of God can function righteously, godly and effectively without these hindrances: hard-heartedness, bitterness, malice, strife, gossip, back- biting, and lies but it cannot function without the indwelling presence, overarching power and authority of the Holy Spirit of God. It is the Holy Spirit that is in control. All Glory to God, in the name of Jesus. 

Father God, I pray in the name of Jesus, for the church to open our hearts and minds, to receive Holy Spirit leading, to receive power and authority over the day. I pray that we will speak to life’s challenges with Holy Spirit power and authority, in the mighty name of Jesus, so that stumbling blocks, traps, and evil speaking find no place among us. In Jesus’ name. Amen.