As People of God we must develop a consistent prayer life that is effective. If our prayer life is a hit and miss affair, we can easily become prone to spiritual ineffectiveness. We miss out on  spiritual victories from God because we failed to pray. James 3 ends with a reminder of the need for peace to reign in relationships among Christians. James 4 begins with a description of the cause of the conflict that all too often replaces that peace. James 4:2 provides a most interesting remedy for problems of conflict, a remedy called prayer: “you do not have because you do not ask” yet we fail to use the remedy by not going to God in prayer. Joseph Scriven stated it well in the song, ‘What a friend we have in Jesus’, “O what peace we often forfeit, O what needless pain we bear, all because we do not carry, everything to God in prayer.” Let’s not miss out on our Father’s blessings. 

May the Lord grant you blessings of good health, of healing,  blessings in your home and employment. May He bless your ministries, and make you fruitful in all good works, in the mighty name of Jesus. May the Lord continually bless you as you take everything to Him in prayer, in Jesus’ name. Amen.