Whether we as individuals wear spectacles or not we can usually tell when something is out of focus. Lines that should be hard lines are blurred and might look softer than they ought to. Detail can look like an unrecognisable mass or just a mess. Therefore, causing confusion or doubt. What to do? Clean the lenses, get a sight test, buy new specs. Single vision lenses, bifocals, varifocals and contact lenses are worn to help the wearer see more clearly. 

Similarly, When something we are viewing: an image or text, a scene in a play or the interaction between a group of people is out of focus, we can misinterpret what we have seen. Our misinterpretation can lead to misunderstandings because we weren’t seeing clearly. Let’s be clear about what we have seen. When we are clear, we do not put other people in jeopardy or mislead anyone.

Jesus healed a man that was blind. Firstly, the young man was totally blind. Secondly, after he encountered Jesus he could see. At first he saw men walking as trees. But after Jesus anointed his eyes again his blindedness was healed. He now had vision and saw men walking as men. 

Ask the Lord Jesus for a sight test today, and check out whether or not your lenses are clean; your vision is not out of focus, and that you are seeing things as God intends.