Is God your King? In Psalm 44 David talks about what his people heard about God in their day. He says in v1: “We have heard with our ears, O God, our fathers have told us, what work thou didst in their days, in the times of old”.(Psa 44:1). David goes on to explain that it was God who defeated his forefathers adversaries, and it wasn’t by use of their bows that they were victorious. It was the hand of God that brought his forefathers victory when He disinherited the heathen and planted His people in their place enabling them to live well in the land of promise. 

Trust comes from a direct experience of the miraculous work we know God has done for us. David, therefore, acknowledges him not just as a provider but as God and King. Reading from verse 4-8 we see David’s acknowledgement of God’s power. In verse 4 David declares that God is his king and his God who decrees victories. Declare: verses 4-8 for yourself using your own words… Make your own declaration ‘God you are My King and My God in whom I trust, ‘I do not trust in my own abilities’ but through thy name, acting under thy authority and by thy help, if You my God and King, give the commandment (Psa 44:4) it would be certain that we would be able to overcome our adversaries. Amen.

Pray: from a humble position of faith and belief, acknowledge God for making you victorious in your own circumstances…., in Jesus’ name. Amen.

May the Lord be merciful unto us and grant us His favour as we pray and give glory to His holy name. Amen.