Mat 5:23-24.
What I have noticed over the years of reading the Holy scriptures and listening to speakers, is that there are marked differences between  what is said and what is done. For example Jesus says if your brother trespasses against you and he repents forgive him, (Luk 17:3). The responsibility is placed on the transgressor to ask for and recieve forgiveness, (reconciliation). Some speakers will say it but refuse to do it. On the other hand Jesus says that I must forgive my brother 70×7 which means that the responsibility is now on me to forgive according to scripture. (Mat 18:21-22)  (reconciliation). 

In both instances people are put in place to bring about the work of reconciliation with each other through Christ. This is a power that God has placed in our hands, (Jer 1:9-10). So then I must seek forgiveness from my brother and my brother must forgive me according to the laws of scripture. But with Jesus it is different He does not have any sin to confess but has power to forgive sins. He came to pay for sin while we were still sinning. We sinned, and He came to forgive those who would receive forgiveness, those who ask, Lord forgive me a sinner, (Luk 18:13).
In meditation :- If our prayers are gifts to God then un-forgiveness prevents us giving those gifts, (Mat 5:23-24). My brethren and friends, before we attempt to give to God let us forgive each-other, in the name of Jesus. Amen.