Hallelujah! Let us come BOLDLY to the throne of grace, being confident, persuaded, and convinced. Being without wrath or doubting, come to the throne where we will find help from the God with whom nothing shall be impossible. 

God who is our rod and staff, God who is a keeper, God who neither slumbers nor sleeps. God who is a shelter in the midst of the storm, God who tenderly wipes away tears, and alleviates fears, the King of Kings who touches the feeble and strengthens the weak. God the overarching power of heaven and earth, our God through Christ has overcome the world so that we may pass through, Hallelujah! He is a way-maker. 

Through our God we are no longer condemned: no virus can condemn you, no blood pressure, no glaucoma, no bird flu, no sickness or disease is able to separate you or I from the love of our God. Be careful, be mindful but do not fret, and do not worry. Which of us can add a day to our span of life by worrying? We have an advocate in heaven on who we must fix our gaze, our focus, He is the object of our affection, His name is Jesus. He alone is the only way to salvation, let Him have His way in your life today and every day. Hallelujah! In Jesus’ name. Amen.